Dean Karnazes Talks Touareg, Marathons and Eating on the Go

"Volkswagens have been known to run forever, so it makes perfect sense that Dean Karnazes drives one. Dean runs marathons as often as most people do laundry (and more often than some—you know who you are). In fact, he once completed 50 marathons in all 50 states in 50 consecutive days. As if that weren’t enough, he also ran 135 miles across Death Valley in 120-degree temperatures and has run 350 miles without stopping. We recently caught up with him (Editor’s note: this was no easy task; now we’re exhausted) and asked him a few questions about getting from point A to point B, both on foot and in his2011 Volkswagen Touareg TDI Clean Diesel. We also talked about the upcoming Bank of America Chicago Marathon, where he’ll join Volkswagen at the Health and Fitness Expo to sign autographs and offer a little pre-race inspiration.

The Chicago Marathon holds a special place in Dean’s heart, seeing as this year will be the fifth time he runs it (sixth, if you include the year he ran it twice), but it also holds a special place in his stomach. “Chicago has a flavor all its own, literally,” he says. “I’ve had deep dish pizzas delivered to me along the race course, and I’ve always got a few of my Greek relatives waiting in Greek Town with baklava as I run through.” If you’re not fortunate enough to have family members on hand to feed you fresh-baked pastries, Dean says that the great Chicago fans will give you all the motivation you need to finish. He adds, “As focused as you might be while running, try to enjoy some of the incredible sights Chicago has to offer.” Other tips from Dean include showing up to the race “super-hydrated” (because it’s difficult to get enough fluids and electrolytes during the race) and fueling up beforehand with Greek-style yogurt, organic fruit and whole nuts. “I eat healthy to begin with so I can indulge in pizza later on.” [Continue reading...]

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